High Triketone Bioactive Mānuka Essential Oil


Discover the Power of East Cape Mānuka Oil

Welcome to Mānuka Biologicals, where we unveil the natural power of East Cape mānuka oil. Nestled in the pristine landscapes of New Zealand’s East Cape region, our company specializes in harnessing the innate strength of mānuka trees to offer you MβTK™ 20+ Mānuka Oil. Meticulously derived from the branch and leaf components of the mānuka plant, our oil contains β-triketones, the crucial compounds responsible for its unmatched antimicrobial efficacy.

Subsidiary of Manuka Bioscience

As an integral arm of Manuka Bioscience, Mānuka Biologicals plays a pivotal role in pioneering mānuka-centric innovations. We are the trusted partner for cosmetic brands, research entities, manufacturers, and distributors across the globe, delivering unparalleled mānuka solutions.

Unleash the Potential of Bioactive Mānuka Oil with Mānuka Biologicals: Bridging Tradition and Innovation.

The Difference of Triketone Rich Mānuka Oil

Our MβTK™ 20+ Mānuka Oil, derived from the pristine East Cape region of New Zealand, offers unparalleled antibacterial and antiviral properties. Harnessing the unique chemotype exclusive to this area, our bioactive oil stands as a potent solution for various health concerns.

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